Blotter updated: 06/04/18 Show/Hide Show All
  • 06/04/18 - An experimental category for player-created original characters has been added. Add a tag starting with "oc:" to add original characters. See the section on original characters in the upload page for more information.
  • 04/10/18 - BBHbooru has transfered to a new domain. The new address is All previous addresses will redirect to the new location. Please update your links and bookmarks.
  • 12/06/17 - The server upgrade is complete. Please report any issues on Twitter or Discord.
  • 10/28/17 - As of now, BBHbooru is open to artwork for games streamed under the umbrella of those who specialize in MAME and obscure computer games. Propose new names for this site in the appropriate Discords.

Author: Shish
Home Page: Link

Allows an administrator to ban certain words from comments. This can be a very simple but effective way of stopping spam; just add "viagra", "porn", etc to the banned words list.

Regex bans are also supported, allowing more complicated bans like /http:.*\.cn\// to block links to chinese websites, or /.*?http.*?http.*?http.*?http.*?/ to block comments with four (or more) links in.

Note that for non-regex matches, only whole words are matched, eg banning "sex" would block the comment "get free sex call this number", but allow "This is a photo of Bob from Essex"

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