Appears as a boss in:

Darius Twin (1991)

Code Numbers:

In Darius Twin:LC40.

Relatives: Alloy Lantern and Prickly Angler?

The last stage of Darius Twin, set above Darius, starts out promisingly. Multiple old sub-bosses come out fast and thick, but fortunately they are willing to go away if you don't shoot them down in good time. And then we run into Super Alloy Lantern, easily the most imposing boss (even more than Red Mist).

From the mundane to the oh-my-God attacks:quite nice, really.

Tips: Blood tells, to begin with. Super Alloy Lantern launches off the usual circular bullets from his lure and shots from her mouth. However, shooting the lure doesn't blow it off eventually. After it's taken enough damage, the mouth cannon stops and the lure lies flush, and you begin to fly over the beast. Her back has lots of little cannons firing away and firing fast, but they're all indestructible (sigh). And so, past the tail to the belly. Here things get interesting, as the fan/glove-shaped thingy in her belly starts to unload those arrow-shaped fishes from the first two Dariuses at you, while firing bullet arcs at you at the same time. You are forced to hang around here until the damn thing is blown off. Then you return to the mouth and things get even more interesting! As usual the lure is at it, and the mouth is the weak point. But instead of using her mouth cannon, Super Alloy Lantern fires out Fatty Gluttons! Now this certainly is a first! They're reasonably destructible, and each of them fires a five-bullet arrow at you. Unfortunately, Super Alloy Lantern isn't the end:once you deal with her mouth, you fly into her in true Darian tradition and you meet something very, very disappointing in there.


Colour Scheme: 75%
Design: 86%
Attacks: 84%
Name: 77%

Real-Life Inspiration:Angler?

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