Appears as a boss in:
Darius Twin (1991)
Relatives: Octopus and Grand Octopus.
In almost (Super Darius II and G-Darius being the exceptions) every Darius game, one runs into a cephalopod
boss. Darius Twin is no exception, giving us two of 'em, in fact.
In Zone H, the requisite underwater stage, with Guard Savage as a sub-boss with an interesting new
attack, we meet the second cephalopod of the game - Red Mist.
Nassty Red Mist! It hurtsss uss, yess it does.
Tips: Red Mist makes it a point of honour to squash you against the screen. He is a pretty big
fellow and is up to the job, for sure. His weak spot is, not surprisingly, his
head, but it can only be reached when the hatch guarding it opens, and that
is coupled with an attack. But we're getting ahead of things here. He starts off
with a tentacle wave (as opposed to the Mexican wave), and then opens his head
to fire three fat, rotating, rugby ball-shaped bullets. After this comes more
tentacle-waving. After this he floats upwards and very ungraciously unloads
several mines on you. They will explode into four more mines if shot, so watch
I might add that I haven't yet beaten this bugger, so do me a favour and
avenge my failure.
Colour Scheme: |
Design: |
70% |
Attacks: |
67% |
Name: |
66% |
Real-Life Inspiration: A squid?.
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