Queen Fossil
Appears as a boss in:
Darius Twin(1991)
G-Darius (1997)
Relatives: King Fossil and Emperor Fossil.
Towards its end, Zone b puts you at the vanguard of the Amnelian 'assault' on Mr. Thiima. You suddenly start to scroll diagonally upawrds and then join a squadron of lesser Silver Hawks and some bog-standard battlecruisers made up of some desultory polygons. And so, Mme.Fossil eats them for breakfast. Now ass-kicking boss intros are nothing new in G-Darius, but Queen Fossil goes out of the way to show us that she means business.
Tips:Unlike Zones a and g, this Zone spilts up only after Queen Fossil has wiped the floor with your 'support'. After this, you can either go up (E) or down (F). As of now, I've only tackled E, which is much, much easier.
Sorry if some of the pics aren't really good quality ($&^@ing Paint).
Queen Fossil-E lets you take her from behind. She extends this nasty-looking cannon from her tail and begins to spray, in a somewhat unusual pattern, arcs of straight lasers. There very often is a very visible gap for you to plunge through. There are also missiles to bother about, but they shouldn't really be a problem. Try and destroy the cannon now, as blowing it up nets you a missile powerup. Following this, she moves out of focus and then turns her back to you. Three popcorn cannons are ready to greet you and her fins. Nasty attack, this one. The fins do an Oddjob on you and try and cut you to pieces; but blowing them up gives you a bomb arm, so it's probably worth it. She sweeps out again as the fins and some more missiles still jump you and then you move further along her back. Here you've got the same cannons, plus a more vigorous one and three or four straight laser cannons, one of which does a 90-degree shot every now and then. Concentrate on these first, and then the Gatling for an armour powerup
. The fins repeat, but this time there's a missile powerup at stake! Getitquick, you...More missiles and she now lets you get to her belly. Some Orange Shield Thingies (TM) bother you, as well as the earlier mid-boss (apparently called Queen's Child (now I want to make a "Wrathchild" joke, for some reason). Capture him, he will be a good bullet attractant and provide you with useful cover.
Queen Fossil takes the plunge again, and strictly speaking, this is when the actual 'boss' confrontation begins. She charges you headfirst now, spitting out HUGE shells, destructible, but Alpha-Beam proof. She jumps in again and then comes to show you her side. Some of her scales fly off, spin nicely and then charge you. Nothing much to be scared of here. She then fires off Orange Shield Thingies (TM). Make sure you grab one if Queen's Child is gone, because you're going to get the only chance to do a quad-Beta beam counter! So: you can see what I mean here. If it works, you get a cool million-point bonus and the death of Queen Fossil. If I doesn't, well...wait until I tackle Area F.
Colour Scheme: |
78% |
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100% |
Attacks: |
100% |
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100% |
Real-Life Inspiration: The coelacanth. Yawn.
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