Appears as a boss in:
Darius II (1989), and all ports that follow.
Code Numbers:
In Sagaia:VV55.
Relatives: Your own Silver Hawk. Go figure.
Quieter than Bio Strong's Jupiter level but (of course) no fun, Level V has some fancy orange clouds (the perpetual dust storms on Jupiter?) and Octopus as mid-boss. But wait for the boss for a real shock...

The backgrounds should look better in the actual game...Raine isn't a perfect emu.
Dun dun dun! Your own ship? Is this some bad joke by Belser? Like all tricks of the Enemy, this one only serves to fill you with loathing.
Tips: Mother Hawk keeps things fairly warm throughout the fight through a fairly nasty bullet pattern, which one can claim as the first 'mainc' attack by a boss. She firest two spinning precise arcs of bullets, and then another. The space between the two arcs is tight too. However, if you've survived the battleship boss in Giga Wing, this should look familiar but more cramped. You have to slip in-between the arcs and sort of cycle within them, and always jumpt to the next set of arcs as soon as possible. Stay as close to the bullets as possible too. If you are a bit horizontally-challenged in terms of bullet-dodging (like me) this can be hairy. In-between, Mother Hawk fires her tail fin like a boomerang at you. Not much time to blow it up now, but it is destructible. Then comes a fairly harmless attack, where she sends an array of about eight lasers, but if you stay in line with her head, they miss you harmlessly (the idea was, I suppose, to let you get trapped by them if you were a bit up or down while dodging the bullets). The attack cycles from here and if you mastered the dodge of the bullet arcs, she will go down. Clytemnestra's death at the hands of Orestes (egged on by Electra)? But then, who was Agamemmnon?
And when it's all over, you get this:

Whee. The Forever War.
Ah, time dilation. Best used as a sci-fi device by Ursula K. LeGuin in a short story. Or The Forever War, take your pick.
Colour Scheme: |
79% |
Design: |
91% |
Attacks: |
78% |
Name: |
68% |
Real-Life Inspiration:The DAF's own Silver Hawk.
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