Appears as a boss in:
Super Darius II(1993)
Relatives: Big Merman, Odious Trident.
Code Number:TW2F
The Zone Zs are a fairly nasty bunch of stages, as would be expected. Fancy bluish flames, flying fish sub-bosses whose sole attacks are kamikaze ones, flying Xevious-like plates, nasty enemies looking like scrotal sacks...oh well. Rapid fire can help, but only so much. And so- Heat Arrow.
Not nice, really.
Tips:Heat Arrow is a good spiritual predecessor of the Darius II end bosses, in that (a) he uses two attacks but makes them count, and (b) he turns from side to side a lot. So, on to (a). He first fires a little blue ball that bursts into a (wide) six-bullet arc in your general direction. Nothing as vicious as Fatty Glutton's arc, I must say. Then, his dorsal and ventral fins bend back and the front of him opens out to reveal a BIG cannon which, predictable enough, fires BIG bolts at you. Intimidating but not terribly dangerous.
The tricky thing is when, after finishing this two-attack cycle, he starts to turn and, being a big bastard, can easily squash you while moving across the screen. See above to see what I mean
. Blowing off the fins can help, but not much, to free up space. However, he doesn't move arcoss the screen to fast, so there's no fear of a cheap ramming attack.
Colour Scheme: |
Design: |
78% |
Attacks: |
75% |
Name: |
76% |
Real-Life Inspiration: Ocean sunfish time again!
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