Folding Fan

Appears as a boss in:

Darius Gaiden (1994)

Relatives: Nil.

As one moves further and further along the tiers of Darius Gaiden, boss attacks become much more varied than before, and the bosses themselves changing shape or form rather frequently. While the former did occur in Sagaia, the latter was one of several new things Darius Gaiden brought to the series. Folding Fan, after King Fossil in Zone C, is a good (and not too hairy) introduction to them.

A still-folded Fan.

Tips:In both zones D and F, Folding Fan folded-up attacks are the same. He fires biggish bullets in a straight-enough line, and backing it with red-green-blue balls. These, when shot, break out into purple homing lasers. This is the first of many encounters with these homing lasers, so warm up here! These aren't particulary difficult ones too, just a bit of judicious twisting out of the way (it's not a bad as it sounds). Folded Fan cycles through these two attacks a bit until he's taken some damage and starts to change colour; at this point you get bigger parabolas of bullets but with a gap in the middle to move through comfortably.

Folding Fan's...unfolded attacks in Zone D(left) and Zone F(right)

At some point, there is an explosion, Folding Fan finally unfolds, moves to one side at the screen (the first time this happens he should still be facing you), and fires lasers from each 'joint' of his wings. These may be straight lasers as in Zone D, or wicked weakly-homing lasers in Zone F. Again, they're not too hard to dodge. In the former case, stay vaguely in-between two of his 'spines', or even in line with him for the first attack, while in the latter, don't stay put in one place for too long. Alternatively, one can actually hide under or above the fans (pic coming...) ! This is risky, if you haven't guessed and only to be tried for bragging rights or if you're drunk.Folding Fan folds up again and the cycle of attacks repeats. When he's taken enough damage in Zone D, his folded-out lasers from the centre of the 'fan' are more randomly-aimed and more caution is required to navigate them.


Colour Scheme: 82%
Design: 88%
Attacks: 76%
Name: 81%

Real-Life Inspiration: Trusting in Kurabar (see the Links section), this one came from the fanfish, who can really unfold the same way.

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