Appears as a boss in:

Darius Twin (1991)

Relatives: Cuttle Fish, Devil Fish, Neon Light Illusion.

In almost (Super Darius II and G-Darius being the exceptions) every Darius game, one runs into a cephalopod boss. Darius Twin is no exception, giving us two of 'em, in fact. In Zone D, with some fancy four-way scrolling and laaayers of parallax, we run into the first one-Demon Sword.


Tips: Another pushover boss. Perhaps there is an alternating easy boss/hard boss pattern in Darius Twin? Anyway, this guy has just two attacks. First, he jabs out his tentacles at you. They're destructible, but can knock you out if you don't see them coming first. Not terrible, though. Then comes the requisite five-bullet arc. Lather, rinse, repeat. His mouth's the weak spot.


Colour Scheme: 72%
Design: 70%
Attacks: 67%
Name: 66%

Real-Life Inspiration: A squid?.

Interestingly, Taito released a game for the NES called Demon Sword in 1989:

More information is available at this Wikipedia entry, which I came across by accident.

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