Appears as a boss in:
Super Darius II(1993)
Code Number:KN8G
Coming to the sixth tier (and Mars), we get pretty much the same level we had in Darius II, right down to the Giger ripoff background. Maybe the sub-boss is different, and some of the more noxious obstacles in the stage are missing. And of course, the boss - Dark Modon.
Tips:A fish crawling around the ground? If I didn;t know that truth is often stranger than fiction, I'd be crawlingcrying foul now.
Dark Modon moves back and forth on the screen, his most favourite attack being missiles- either plain old ones or others that explode into three projectiles (see above). If you try and fly over him, he whips out the ol' dorsal cannon and will attempt two attacks. The first, and most common, is the pink beam, which will typically swoop out an area in front of or behind him. This attack needn't be worried about too much, as the beam is often too slow to cause you any grief. The second attack involves 90-degree shots at you, which is one of the attacks I hate the most. However, if you let Dark Modon crawl to the end of the screen, and then wedge yourself between his head and the left side, you're pretty much in a blind spot and he doesn't think of moving back. he will go down like:

Colour Scheme: |
Design: |
78% |
Attacks: |
76% |
Name: |
83% |
Real-Life Inspiration:Err...the black swallower (Chiasmodon niger). This guy can swallow whole fish several times its size 
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