Deadly Crescent

Appears as a boss in:

Darius Gaiden (1994)

The sixth tier of Darius Gaiden contains a right honourable pair of bastards as bosses- Crusty Hammer and this bloke. They all start out the same way, too- the Silver Hawk covered in flame in re-entry, and so to the stage, typically a destroyed city or the sea. Both zone 'types' feature Deadly Crescent. He has a rather nice dorsal fin, doesn't he?


Tips:(NOTE:This largely holds good for both zones, and I am indebted to Andi Hagen for some advice on the attack patterns). Deadly Crescent typically starts off with throwing its huge dorsal fins at you. They spin at you with some very nice iridiscence (does the word exist?) effects, seemingly not taking damage but actually they do. Alternating with this are large purple lasers in an upward arc and three BIG bullet streams. The first can be countered by a zig-zag motion and the second by ear. It only gets nasty when the fins come at you at the same time.

Watch out for yourself when the fins are gone. Deadly Crescent gives you three very vicious attacks now (one privy to Zone S). The bloke fires the extremely pulsed seeking purple lasers which Double Dealer used in the past tier from his rear. Watch out. The sod then decides to go consumptive and fires out disgusting little red blobs in your direction. I can't remember if they're destructible or not- probably are, with too many hit points to be Christian. Both like to come together, too. The third attack, which I've only remembered in Zone S so far, is Deadly Crescent's mouth jumping out to ram you a la Alien. Moving-at-the-last-minute is my only sane advice. This can be hampered by the three bullet streams he likes to fire at the same time. And yet, with time:


Colour Scheme: 82%
Design: 87%
Attacks: 84%
Name: 100%

Real-Life Inspiration: The mirror dory.

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