The first boss we meet in Darius Force is one of the first set of all-original ones since Sagaia. After being treated to OODLES of fancy swirly backgrounds chronic to 16-bit consoles, the screen fades out for the first time since Super Darius II (wait, that's not so long ago...) and we meet a boss named after a not-bad band. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Bio Hazard.
Bio Hazard's attacks, for the time being. Hold on for more.
Tips:Bio Hazard kicks things off with his Evil Three-Pronged Arm Cannon of Doom (TM), which shoots out three-bullet arcs for your delectation. Not much to worry about here, since if you stand far enough from it you can sit between the middle and either top or bottom one. Following this you can take apart the blobby blobby blue coat which surround his metal frame. At this point he unleashes four attacks- a big laser (not in action anywhere. Sorry!), a bullet spiral from his head, three homing missiles from his butt and lovely blobs of goo from the coat. Eventually this goes as well, and your target of interest here is the blue orb above the cannon (funny how the weak spots can be so predictable. Blame it on Star Wars, I guess). The attacks are the same otherwise. You can sort of predict when he's going to fire one off as the laser can be seen to charge before it fires. Not too bad for Boss #1. A step up from Killer Higia for sure.
Colour Scheme:
Real-Life Inspiration:If I believe the Internet, a water-flea. In that case this is Taito's first foray into microscopic life forms.