Appears as a boss in:
Super Darius II(1993)
Relatives: Nil.
Code Number:PG3F
Super Darius II can really ramp up the difficulty quite fast. Zone A was plain sailing, Zone B ain't. Not that it's really smash-the-screen hard, just an uinpleasant surprise. The music kind of makes up for it, but whatever. At a point, you reach the end, and B-Guadian.
Tips:Apologising for the crappy pics, let me move on to the boss' attacks. He rises from the ground, flails about (something like the motion of a whip), stays put and fires a shot in your direction. After some more flailing, he fires the snouted head (to reveal a much uglier one) at you. An unhit green shield can take it, but I don't recommend it. When the head comes back, and if you still are in its vicinity, B-Guadian lets off a puff of flame on you. Ouch. Then he sinks beneath the ground again, and rises at the other side.More of the same follows. This goes on for a while, until his snouted head comes off. Then even more of the same follows, until he dies. You may want to do this slowly, as hovering around his head exposes you to his nastier attacks. Still, a very boring boss.
Colour Scheme: |
Design: |
70% |
Attacks: |
71% |
Name: |
65% |
Real-Life Inspiration: A garden eel. Maybe.
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