Appears as a boss in:
Super Darius II(1993)
Relatives:Red Crab, My Home Daddy, Hysterical Empress.
Code Number:BC0O
A curious boss Bald Crab is. For all purposes, he looks strikingly like half of the famous stage 2 boss of Gradius 2 (later parodied as the indestructible showgirl in the Parodius games), but i don't think one can fly between his legs. He is, though, an intensely annoying git of a boss, making it a point of honour to impart the cheap death on you again and again.
Walk this way (guitar riff)!
Tips:Things start off mystifyingly with Bald Crab, and I'm not thinking of the Windows screen saver. A diverging arc of missiles, appear from nowhere, and these lobster-red spidery legs march in. Eventually, one sees that the missiles, are, literally, from (or are they?) a botte secrete. Eventually, he lobs a little spiked mine which erupts by itself or by you into more (destructible) projectiles. He still marches on resolutely, though, and will badly cramp you for space. When this does happen, of if in you're in line too long with his head (his weak spot), out come a nasty pair of machine guns aimed in your direction- NOT in a straight line, be warned. Killing this fellow will give you good feelings inside, and make you pine for that spider boss of Gradius 2.
Colour Scheme: |
Design: |
75% |
Attacks: |
73% |
Name: |
51% |
Real-Life Inspiration: Hold on...I swore I saw a cousin of his in Harlock Saga. I wouldn't really recommend it to you, though.
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