Buddy Blazer

Appears as a boss in:

Super Darius(1990)

Relatives: nil

The Super Dariuses had quite a few handsome bosses which never made it to any other console ports. While their colours may have been somewhat loud or their weaponry infantile compared to the monsters of Darius Gaiden, there were a few that caught the eye and whose names stuck in your head. Buddy Blazer (I kid you not) is such a boss. He certainly looked very nice and had an unusual attack (more below).

Not your everyday bird with a wing down.

Tips: Buddy Blazer has an attack that can be best described as...interesting. See above for yourself. He revels in bouncing out fanfishes (aka Folding Fans) at you, and these don't ram you or anything (but don't run into them because of that ;)). They turn back when they reach the end of the screen and then fire at you! Interesting, and it can be tricky. OF course, they're destructible. Buddy Blazer's weak point is his snout. His fins can be blown up for fun (and I've done it, natch) to prolong the agony once you've got the hang of the fanfishes.


Colour Scheme: 86%
Design: 88%
Attacks: 67%
Name: n/a

Real-Life Inspiration:A short dragonfish (Eurypegasus draconis).

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